Support Binary File Objects with pandas.DataFrame.to_csv

pandas.DataFrame.to_csv does not support writing to binary file objects 1. This causes confusion 2345 and makes the function difficult to work with. In this article I will first illustrate the problem with an example. Then, I will present a monkey patch for pandas.DataFrame.to_csv which mitigates the known pitfall.

Let us write two files containing the names of three beautiful Swiss cities (in descending order).

data = ["Bern", "Genève", "Zürich"]

The files we will write are cities-utf-8.csv which is in utf-8 encoding an cities-latin.csv in ISO/IEC 8859-1 (latin).

DataFrame(data).to_csv("cities-utf-8.csv", index=False)
DataFrame(data).to_csv("cities-latin.csv", encoding="latin", index=False)

Everything works as expected and the files are written in utf-8 and latin encoding respectively.

$ file cities-*.csv
cities-latin.csv: ISO-8859 text
cities-utf-8.csv: UTF-8 Unicode text
$ hexdump -C cities-latin.csv
00000000  30 0a 42 65 72 6e 0a 47  65 6e e8 76 65 0a 5a fc  ||
00000010  72 69 63 68 0a                                    |rich.|
$ hexdump -C cities-utf-8.csv
00000000  30 0a 42 65 72 6e 0a 47  65 6e c3 a8 76 65 0a 5a  ||
00000010  c3 bc 72 69 63 68 0a                              ||

So far so good. But what if we want to write those to a file object instead?

with open("cities-utf-8.csv", mode="w") as fd:
  DataFrame(data).to_csv(fd, index=False)

with open("cities-latin.csv", mode="w") as fd:
  DataFrame(data).to_csv(fd, encoding="latin", index=False)

Both files look suddenly very similar:

$ file cities-*.csv
cities-latin.csv: UTF-8 Unicode text
cities-utf-8.csv: UTF-8 Unicode text
$ hexdump -C cities-latin.csv
00000000  30 0a 42 65 72 6e 0a 47  65 6e c3 a8 76 65 0a 5a  ||
00000010  c3 bc 72 69 63 68 0a                              ||
$ hexdump -C cities-utf-8.csv
00000000  30 0a 42 65 72 6e 0a 47  65 6e c3 a8 76 65 0a 5a  ||
00000010  c3 bc 72 69 63 68 0a                              ||

In fact, they are exactly the same.

$ sha256sum cities-*.csv
ab401dff37c00f4d22e4ab2aa70fa2d67d89bd042787cb9e643bea7eeb5ee577  cities-latin.csv
ab401dff37c00f4d22e4ab2aa70fa2d67d89bd042787cb9e643bea7eeb5ee577  cities-utf-8.csv

Well, obviously. In order to be able to write a different encoding than utf-8 we have to open the files in binary mode:

with open("cities-utf-8.csv", mode="wb") as fd:
  DataFrame(data).to_csv(fd, index=False)

with open("cities-latin.csv", mode="wb") as fd:
  DataFrame(data).to_csv(fd, encoding="latin", index=False)

Which gives us a lovely: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'. Turns out that pandas.DataFrame.to_csv can not write to a binary file object. As a work around people have suggest just wrapping the file object in a io.TextIOWrapper:

with open("cities-utf-8.csv", mode="wb") as fd:
  DataFrame(data).to_csv(TextIOWrapper(fd), index=False)

with open("cities-latin.csv", mode="wb") as fd:
  DataFrame(data).to_csv(TextIOWrapper(fd), encoding="latin", index=False)

Which runs, but does not work because it also discards the encoding. On top of that, TextIOWrapper closes fd if we don’t call TextIOWrapper.detach before the wrapper is freed. Which brings us back to square one.

The best solution to this bug (or documentation issue) would be to create a pull request which implements support for binary file objects. Sadly, updating pandas is just not an viable option for me right now. Therefore I had to implement the following hackish solution which monkey patches pandas.DataFrame.to_csv so that the function supports binary file objects.

from contextlib import contextmanager
from threading import Semaphore


def monkey_patch__DataFrame_to_csv():
    """Monkey patch pandas.DataFrame.to_csv to make the function work with binary file objects.

    This is here because to work around the following issues:

    import pandas as pd
    _DataFrame_to_csv_orig = pd.DataFrame.to_csv

    def _DataFrame_to_csv(self, path_or_buf, *args, **kwargs):
        from io import RawIOBase, BufferedIOBase, StringIO

        # Test if binary:
        if isinstance(path_or_buf, (RawIOBase, BufferedIOBase)):
            # Set line terminator of StringIO objec to DataFrame.to_csv's
            # default for line_termnator
            if int(pd.__version__.split(".")[1]) < 24:
                # the default was changed in pandas 0.24 version
                default_line_termnator = "\n"
                from os import linesep

                default_line_termnator = linesep

            # Note: Other than to_csv, StringIO will reject uncommon line terminators
            # by throwing an exception. But I think that's a good thing.
            sio = StringIO(
                newline=kwargs.get("line_terminator", default_line_termnator)

            ret = _DataFrame_to_csv_orig(
                        # enforce utf-8, this is currently ignored because of:
                        # but if that issue ever gets fixed we prevent
                        # double-encoding with this.
                        "encoding": "utf-8",

                        # enforce mode, this is currently ignored because of:
                        # but if that issue ever gets fixed this patch
                        # should still work.
                        "mode": "w",

                        # always use Unix-style line_terminators. The conversion
                        # line_teminator will happen on StringIO.write
                        "line_terminator": "\n",

                    # encode to the specified encoding or fall back
                    # to pandas documented default
                    kwargs.get("encoding", "utf-8")
            return ret

        return _DataFrame_to_csv_orig(self, path_or_buf, *args, **kwargs)

    # apply monkey patch
    pd.DataFrame.to_csv = _DataFrame_to_csv

    # Since we are patching in global scope, we have to
    # ensure here that only one thread runs at the time.
    # Otherwise monkey patching and reverting the patch
    # can go really wrong...
        yield _DataFrame_to_csv
        # restore original to_csv
        pd.DataFrame.to_csv = _DataFrame_to_csv_orig

If we now use this monkey patch, we can finally generate the files

with monkey_patch__DataFrame_to_csv():

  with open("cities-utf-8.csv", mode="wb") as fd:
    DataFrame(data).to_csv(fd, index=False)

  with open("cities-latin.csv", mode="wb") as fd:
    DataFrame(data).to_csv(fd, encoding="latin", index=False)

… and get the expected content:

$ file cities-*.csv
cities-latin.csv: ISO-8859 text
cities-utf-8.csv: UTF-8 Unicode text
$ hexdump -C cities-latin.csv
00000000  30 0a 42 65 72 6e 0a 47  65 6e e8 76 65 0a 5a fc  ||
00000010  72 69 63 68 0a                                    |rich.|
$ hexdump -C cities-utf-8.csv
00000000  30 0a 42 65 72 6e 0a 47  65 6e c3 a8 76 65 0a 5a  ||
00000010  c3 bc 72 69 63 68 0a                              ||